Week4 Tutorial


In this tutorial, a Unity project is built by using provided scene made by Ian(or maybe Lindsay?).

In the scene, the base ground is made with the Unity terrain and the platform is built with ProBuilder, both of these is added NavMesh for AI characters (agents) to use to navigate the environment to reach their target destination.

Gif image of an agent trying to avoiding a moving obstacle to reach the player from the Unity project made by me.

Agents will be trying to avoid the moving obstacle and calculate the shortest path to reach their target destination.

Gif image of an agent move towards the player while predicting player's movement from the Unity project made by me.

A player character is set up for agents to target and chasing dynamically, the player's control is implemented as 3rd player view with 4-way movement, the direction of the player movement also depends on where the current view the camera is targeting to. Agents will predict the player's moving direction and chasing ahead.

Gif image of spawn agent at the location where mouse clicked from the Unity project made by me.

An agent can be spawned at where the mouse pointing to then by left click with RayCasting, in this project is the middle point of the screen the current view is directing to.

During this task:

  • The running animation is remade with Umotion within Unity, the animation is an individual .anim file in Unity with humanoid type, it can be reused on all other humanoid character models as soon they passed Unity humanoid configuration step.
  • During testing and exploring of reused animation that I found, edited the name of the bone(gameObject) name in Unity will causing the humanoid animation could not found the correct bone to result in the animation not able to use on other humanoid models, the name of the bone must stay the same as the file in the asset folder, that means the name must be declared correctly in Blender before export.

To be solved:

  • I wonder how to make extra rigs for Cinemachine Freelook camera?


Y-bot character model: https://www.mixamo.com/#/?page=1&query=y+bot&type=Character

Umotion pro from Unity asset store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/animation/umotion-pro-animation-edit...

Brackeys' first person movement tutorial: 

Brackeys' third person movement tutorial: 


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