Week3 Tutorial


In this tutorial, the rigged and animated model from Blender is exported out as a .fbx file then import to Unity, basic character movement and animations are implemented. The wave hand animation is played when the player pressing SPACE key, the walking animation is played when the player pressing W or S key to make the character move.

In the scene, a trigger area is used to control the door open, when the character moves into the trigger area, the door gameObject will be disabled for the character to walk through.

Gif image of animation test demo in Unity made by me

The model and animation in the scene are made for the week3 portfolio, see the week3 portfolio devLog post.

During this task:

  • Part of outfit mesh's normal was found inverted after import to Unity, fixed from Blender.
  • Unity Standard shader is not supported to render double sided.
  • Animations transition between each other were not looking nature, still think animate the character at Unity is better than Blender.

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